Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Eastern Fox Squirrel who evicted the Nuthatches

Don't mess with my nest!

Years ago, I bought a nesting box made specifically for larger woodpeckers.  I was told to pack it tightly with cedar chips, which I did.  I watched and waited as it hung on my tree.  Time went by that spring, and no signs of any interested parties.  I gave up.  Mid-summer, I was out mowing the lawn and just happened to glance over at the box.  I didn't see a woodpecker, but did have the opportunity to watch a pair of White-breasted Nuthatches involved in some type of courtship ritual.  Weeks later I watched as their babies fledged.
White-breasted Nuthatch (Photo:Wikipedia)

That was the only year the bird box was actually inhabited by any type of bird.  In no time, word got out to our local Eastern Fox Squirrel (Sciruis Niger) population that there was a vacancy. 

Fox Squirrels will make two homes per year, called "dreys", depending on the season.  In the summer they snip branches and weave them way up high in the tree canopy, safe from ground predators and bed them with dried leaves.  In the winter, and when raising their young, they will occupy a cavity.  Single cavities have been found to be used for up to 30 years!   By the looks of it, this nest box will be home to a family of squirrels again this year, and many more.  Mama is guarding her home with ferocity.  I watch as small songbirds try to investigate, she is always on guard and quick to scold anyone who might get too close.

Love, hate or tolerate.  What is your feeling toward squirrels?  I've always viewed them as a comical resident in my yard.  They provide hours of entertainment, or frustration, for our dog.  He will stand on point for very long periods of time, locked eye to eye, just waiting for the opportunity that will probably never come.

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